The Magic of DIS-igning!

July 4th Shirts for the Hoop-dee-Doo Revue

July 4th Shirts for the Hoop-dee-Doo Revue


You may have noticed that in several of the family photos I have on this site my kids are in some sort of matching, Disney-themed attire.  I must admit, I’m a total corn-dog when it comes to our Disney trips.  It was while planning our first trip that I discovered Creative DISigns on the Disboards, one of the most active Disney trip planning forums on the web.  The folks on the Creative DISigns board are there to help you add all sorts of magical touches to your Disney vacation–from personalized shirt decals to custom dining invitations and clever coupons and luggage tags, if you can imagine it, they can DISign it!  Your job is to bring the DIS-igner’s artwork to fruition, whether that means printing a surprise letter from Mickey or printing and ironing a custom DISign onto a shirt.

We Heard You're Coming to Disney World!   A Letter from Mickey & Minne

We Heard You’re Coming to Disney World!
A Letter from Mickey & Minne

Here’s how it works.  You’re headed off to Disney World on a big, family trip and want to make your kids and all of their cousins personalized t-shirts.  Kevin loves Sully from Monster’s Inc, Lauren is crazy for Rapunzel and William has a thing for Lightning McQueen.  The first thing you’ll want to do is spend some time over on the Creative DISigns board reading through some of the “Stickies” at the top of the thread-list–Creative Boards Welcome, Meet the DISigners, and How to ask for DISigns are good places to begin.

Our Mike Wazowski Shirts

Our Mike Wazowski Shirts

Then start looking through different DISigners work.  Most of the DISigners post links to their 4shared or photobucket accounts where you can check out all the fabulous things they have created for people.  When you have found what you are looking for, get in touch with the DISigner, usually on their personal request thread, and request your DISigns.  Most DISigners have a “read this before requesting” post at the beginning of their thread outlining how to request a DISign.  Please follow their instructions.  If they ask for the file names of the images you’re seeking, provide them.  Don’t assume that a DISigner will know if someone is male or female, it’s good to say who the DISign is for.  It’s also always a good idea to include your trip dates so the DISigner will know when you’ll need the work to be ready.  And very importantly, don’t request the same DISigns from more than one DISigner at the same time.  Pick someone to do the work for you and then be patient.  They have tons of requests and always respond.  Check the thread frequently to see if your DISign has been completed.


A Surprise from Mickey on the Table one Morning!

Another strategy for finding something specific is to perform a search of the Creative DISigns board.  For instance, I once needed an invitation for Chip and Dale’s Campfire at Fort Wilderness but could not find one after searching through several people’s shared files.  I typed “Chip and Dale Campfire invite” into the search box and up popped a thread leading me to just what I wanted.  The DISigner happened to have the file as an un-personalized jpg in her file sharing folder so I simply downloaded it and personalized it myself in photoshop.  On other occasions I’ve contacted the DISigner to personalize something for me.

Join Us for a Campfire & Movie!

Join Us for a Campfire & Movie!

Can’t find what you’re looking for after all of this searching?  Ask!  Start a thread asking for exactly what it is that you’d like to have made.  Chances are that you’ll get replies from more than one DISigner who can make just what you want!

And remember, this is a hobby and a labor of love for the Creative DISign people.  Be patient and courteous.  Always say thank you for a DISign that you received!  It’s nice to post pictures of your kids or other family members wearing or otherwise enjoying the DISign during your Disney trip as well.

Not sure where to begin?  Here are some ideas for fun ways to incorporate the magic of Disney DISigns into your trip:

  • A personalized letter surprising your kids with a family trip to Disney
  • Personalized t-shirts for the kids that say “First Trip to Disney World” with their names and favorite characters
  • An invitation left on the table in your hotel room for your daughter’s Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique appointment
  • Cute, laminated luggage tags for your bags
  • Personalized, Mickey-head pillowcases
  • Family magnets for your Disney Cruise stateroom door
  • Homemade autograph books with specific pages for specific characters
  • A countdown calendar to hang in your kitchen for the month before your vacation
  • A personalized coupon for a Mickey Ice Cream Bar or other special treat
Mickey Rice Krispie Treat, Anyone?

Mickey Rice Krispie Treat, Anyone?


The list goes on and on and on!  If you dream it, it can become a DISign!

Have you made anything like this for any of your Disney trips?  Please share–I’d love to see what you’ve done!


  1. I have looked all through DISigns to find a letter like the one on your page and can’t seem to find it. Do you remember which designer designed it for you? I love it!!! Thank you

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