I’ve been thinking for a long time about what I call “feathering my empty nest” even though with three girls ages 11, 9, & 7 my nest is far from empty. Still, it will be empty in the not-so-far-off future and I don’t want to be shucking and jiving professionally when that day comes. I’m a teacher by trade, with a Master’s degree in secondary education from NYU, and I taught in the New York City public school system for {Read More}
The Mom-Work Balancing Act
Gary and the Pixie Dust!

Sounds like a great name for a band, doesn’t it? If such a band existed, Gary Buchanan, the Social Media Managing Editor and PR Manager for Disney Parks, would be the front man without a doubt! Brimming with enthusiasm and exuding Disney magic from his every pore, Gary is the energetic ringmaster of the Disney Social Media Moms on the Road conference series landing in four cities across the country throughout the month of June. I was fortunate enough to {Read More}
Putting Your Best Face Forward

Michelle Stepney, the Public Relations Director for Global Content Development at Disney, prides herself on being a stylista. A quick look at her Pinterest boards or her Twitter handle (@2the9z–as in dressed and accessorized to the nines!) instantly reveals her passion for hip styles, cool elegance and the grace of presenting your best self at all times. Michelle also writes her weekly Disney Style Snapshots column on the Disney Parks Blog to give people a taste of some adorable Disney {Read More}
Disney SMMoms on the Road!

The most celebrated social media conference around is taking the magic on a summer road trip in 2013! Last week, this fabulous, annual celebration was held at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida and I spent a good amount of time following along with all the excitement in the Twitter-sphere. The tweets are still flying, and to learn more about some of the spectacular events and special treats the Disney Social Media Moms team planned for this year’s attendees {Read More}